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Athens, Ohio, United States
"Art and love are the same thing. It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Nobody Knows Anything

If you have never read anything by William Goldman, now would be the time.

Because Fast and Furious's opening proves once and for all that Goldman's credo of "nobody knows anything" is undeniably true.

$72 million for Fast and Furious?!?!?!??! Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ... ? On Friday, news came out that Fast and Furious was hovering around the $30 million off. I thought that number was pretty high for a weekend gross. Then I realized that that was no projection. $30 million was merely the movie's Friday numbers.

Looks like we were in for a long weekend.

If I was forced to guess four months ago, which would be the highest grossing movie of 2009, I would have certainly guessed Watchmen. The fourth installment of a tired Vin Diesel franchise would not even enter my mind. But they did it, and props are much-deserved. I would have thought that Adventureland would even make more money than it did this weekend. It looks like it suffered from Freaks and Geeks syndrome though (kids don't want to see a movie about the 80s, adults don't want to see a movie about kids).

I guess I don't know anything.

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